Brian May teases new music for 2023 as he wishes Queen fans Merry Christmas in new videos | Music | Entertainment


Brian May may be 75-years-old but shows no sign of slowing down, having just completed a very busy year. Apart from re-releasing his second solo album Another World, the guitarist performed with Queen and Adam Lambert on their massive UK and European tour. This included the iconic opening of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee concert, in which the late monarch and Paddington Bear tapped along to We Will Rock – something that was suggested by the rock star himself. It may now be Christmas, but Brian’s already looking to the new year, teasing fans with the music he’s planning to reveal for 2023.

Ever active on his Instagram, Brian posted a Christmas Eve message with decorations behind him. The Queen legend simply said in this video: “Merry Christmas folks! Wherever you are…peace!” But it was his video from a little earlier in the week that really had fans getting incredibly excited.

The footage for this post had Brian playing his Red Special guitar in front of a Christmas tree with the message: “This is a tease…for something nice which is coming in January. Bri.” The beginning of the mysterious solo sounds a bit like We Are The Champions, while the rock legend shared more in his post caption.

Brian wrote: “This is what’s known in the trade as a ‘STING’ … and hopefully it will ring a bell with you guys early next year – when all will be revealed !! I love going in the studio to make something new – like starting to write words on a crisp new sheet of paper … and in the studio I get lost. For a few moments, I’m immersed in the music we’re fashioning, and that is my entire world. Of course, sometimes I miss my pals … Happy Winter Solstice, folks ! From now on, for those of us in the currently frozen Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, the days get longer, the Sun warms our skin, and Spring is already flexing her wings. Onward !!! Bri.” What could it be? Brian may be working on a new solo project, although the fact he said “the music we’re fashioning” suggests something collaborative.

READ MORE: Brian May unveils when Queen and Adam Lambert 2023 tour set to start

New Queen music with Roger Taylor and Adam Lambert is always a possibility, although it looks like it could be something with Kerry Ellis. The singer has released singles and albums with Brian and another video from earlier in the week with the guitarist in the same position as his latest tease does mention her.

In this post, the 75-year-old said: “A seasonal moment doing one of my favourite things – playing guitar for @kerryellis79 ! This is a guest appearance for a very poignant track on her new album upcoming in 2023. And now …. Back to Star Fleet ! And some stereoscopic asteroid adventures …. Cheers all – Bri.” Whatever he has planned for the New Year reveal, fans are unlikely to be disappointed.


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