New year, new start – Winnipeg Free Press


In the midst of this ongoing pandemic, it often feels like so many things are out of our control. But one thing we can control is how we treat our bodies by making healthy choices. These choices can be as simple as going to bed a bit earlier, exercise and being more selective about the snacks we munch on and the beverages we sip.

With a focus on cultivating healthy eating habits, I’ve been trying to lean more towards carrot sticks than potato chips these days. Hands down, the most significant change that I’ve made flows from switching to a local natural spring water with minerals. I love the taste on its own, and it’s amazing what a significant difference it makes in the flavour in my morning coffee and in my cooking recipes!

I had no idea how energized I would feel, not only by increasing my water intake but also by drinking mineral-rich spring water from Manitoba as a new daily practice.

Besides the amazing taste, this locally sourced spring water offers essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium and Silica.

I’m not only paying attention to how much water I drink, but I’m also aware of what type of water I’m drinking. It’s become important to me to know the source of my water and what it contains.

In an article titled “The Health Risks of demineralized Water “by the World Health Organization and by doing my own research I discovered that most waters sold are nothing more than processed tap water that has been stripped of all the essential minerals. Processed waters also have an acidic pH which is not beneficial, especially to those who suffer from heartburn or acid reflux.

I wish I had known this earlier in life as it certainly doesn’t make sense to take my vitamins and mineral supplements and then wash them down with a demineralized water that may strip them all away!

Here in Manitoba, we’re lucky because our province is home to a secluded aquifer brimming with clean naturally filtered water through the rugged terrain. Now that I’ve tasted natural spring water from a source that’s close to home, I know I’ve found the right fit for my life.

I love knowing that this natural water is free from chemicals and additives.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’m now maintaining a healthier weight and sleeping better too!

Now that I’ve made the switch to natural spring water, I’m never going back! I’m washed away by the positive impacts.

Although I chose to embark on a fresh start to coincide with the new year, healthier habits can begin any time. All you must do is take the first step — or, in this case, the first sip!

I encourage you to do your own research and find out why Jackson Springs has so many five-star reviews!!!


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